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Default Interception Service Implementation

In the hk2-extras module there is a default implementation of the InterceptionService which uses annotations to determine what services are to be intercepted and which interceptors should be used. This page describes this default implementation.

Indicating Services to be Intercepted

All services to be intercepted by this implementation must be annotated with the Intercepted qualifier. The Intercepted qualifier may only be placed on classes. Here is an example of a service that can used method or constructor interception when using the default InterceptionService implementation:

public class MyService {
  // Can be intercepted
  public MyService(ServiceLocator locator) {
  // Can be intercepted
  public boolean goEagles() {
    return true;

Indicating Interceptors

A class that wishes to be used as a method or constructor interceptor must adhere to the following rules:

Since MethodInterceptor and ConstructorInterceptor are API from the AopAlliance, they are not naturally marked with Contract. Therefore it is often the case when doing automatic analysis of contracts that the ContractsProvided annotation must be used to ensure that the standard AopAlliance interface is included in the set of contracts. Here is an example of a method interceptor:

@ContractsProvided({MyMethodInterceptor.class, MethodInterceptor.class})
public class MyMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
  // ...

Here is an example of a constructor interceptor:

@ContractsProvided({MyConstructorInterceptor.class, ConstructorInterceptor.class})
public class MyConstructorInterceptor implements ConstructorInterceptor {
  // ...

Interception Bindings

We must still be able to associate intercepted things such as constructors and methods of intercepted services with the specific interceptors. This is done by using the InterceptionBinder annotation. The InterceptionBinder is placed on user defined annotations to indicate that the annotation is meant to associate an interceptor and the thing to be intercepted.

For example, if the user has a security interceptor, they might define their annotation like this:

public @interface Secure {

They would then put that annotation both on the security interceptor like so:

@ContractsProvided({ConstructorInterceptor.class, MethodInterceptor.class})
public class SecurityInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor, ConstructorInterceptor {
  // ...

Then any method or constructor on an intercepted service that needs to be secure would add the @Secure annotation as well:

public class KernelSanders {

  public KernelSanders() {
    // Lets make some chicken!

  public String getSecretFormula() {
    return secretFormula;

The user annotation that is marked with InterceptionBinder can also be placed on the service that is intercepted in order to indicate that all methods (and the construtor which hk2 will call) should be intercepted by interceptors with matching annotations. For example if the user annotation is this:

public @interface Trace {

Then the intercepted service can put Trace at the class level to indicate that all methods should be traced:

public class LoudService {

If there is a corresponding interceptor that is marked with the Trace annotation then all methods and/or constructors of the LoudService will be traced.

Also, annotations marked with InterceptionBinder are transitive. So services marked with the following annotation will invoke interceptors with both the Secure and Trace annotations:

@Trace @Secure
public @interface SecurelyTraceable {

Interceptor Ordering and Customization

Normally interceptors will run in their natural HK2 ordering (based on Rank and serivce/locator id) but sometimes it is convenient to re-order the interceptors based on some external configuration. It may also be convenient to add or remove interceptors that will run with some method or constructor. The default implementation of the interception service has defined its own plugin service named the InterceptorOrderingService that allows users to add, modify or remove the set of intereceptors that would normally be run on a method or constructor.

The methods of the InterceptorOrderingService are supplied with the list of interceptors that would be run on the given Method or Constructor. The implementations of those methods can either return the list as-is (or return null) or they can return their own list with a set of interceptors that should be run instead (and in what order). If there are more than one implementation of the InterceptorOrderingService then all implementations are run in hk2 ranking order with the results of the previous service being given to the next service. In this way chains of interceptor ordering modifiers can be used together.

Getting it all started

In order to enable the default implementation of the InterceptionService you will need to use the enableDefaultInterceptorServiceImplementation method of the ExtrasUtilities class. You will also need to include the hk2-extras module on your classpath.

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